What to begin reloading and thinking of Rock Chucker? Read the RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Master Reloading Kit Review and let me help you decide if this is the reloading press or the kit you need to begin your precision reloading process.
Read my comparison on RCBS Rebel vs Rock Chucker Supreme review.
The RCBS master reloading kit is focused around the Rock Chucker press with many other necessary items. But first, let me unveil why they call the Rock Chucker Supreme the legend of all reloading presses. Read our single-stage reloading press comparison article to find out the best.
RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Press
This reloading press from RCBS is an old design that did not require many upgrades because the initial design was manufactured with quality and durability to last a reloader’s lifetime. The cast-iron frame is stable and durable. And the “O” Frame has a massive 4.1-inch opening to accommodate the longer cases. The press weighs about 18 pounds (8.16 kg) with all attachments attached. The ambidextrous handle was designed so that everyone can use the press for precision reloading.
The die bushing is standard 7/8 – 14 and 1.25-inch die without the bushing for larger dies. Since it uses a die holder of standard threadings, the die can be changed with Hornady Lock-N-Load or Lee Breech Lock quick bushing.

The press is equipped with a spent primer catcher, and though not very effective, but gets its job done. I learned the hard way that it is better to empty it when it is half full because, after that, it begins to jump out of the spent primer tray. The on-press primer arm can be used for large and small primers, which is easy to change and remove if on-press priming is not desired. However, it takes more time and effort than using a hand primer to prime.
This reloading press is simple, elegant, sturdy & decent for beginners and professional reloaders equally. One unique feature of the Rock Chucker Supreme reloading press is it can be upgraded from a single-stage reloading press to a manual progressive reloading press with the RCBS Piggyback 4. But the manual progressive upgrade comes with a heavy cost, and in my Honest Opinion, it’s better to buy an auto progressive reloading press than to upgrade the Rock Chucker press.
But if you do upgrade, you get a 5-station manual indexing progressive press with an APS priming system. All handgun cases except 25 ACP and all rifle cases up to 30-06 Springfield length can be reloaded. It works best when used for bulky, single-type case operations, but efficiency decreases if you have multiple case types for reloading, as you will need time to swap out dies.
What’s in the Kit?
The Reloading Press Kit has many essential items to begin reloading besides the rock chucker press itself, such as
- Reloading Manual, Speer (usually the latest version)
- Hand Priming Tool — It uses the same shell holder as the press, equipped to seat both large and small primers for those who want to prime outside the press.
- M505 Mechanical Scale — balance beam with magnetic dampener.
- Universal Case Loading Block can accommodate most pistol or rifle cases.
- RCBS Uniflow-III Powder Measure — with large and small case adapters.
- Powder Funnel.
- 17-60 Debur Tool.
- Case Lube Kit, which includes a case lube pad and lubricant &
- Set of Allen Range (Hex Key Set) — pretty durable 0.05”, 1/16”, 5/64”, 3/32”, 7/64”, 1/8”, 9/64” & 5/32” key specifically.
You are almost ready to reload with the items available. Even then, you will need calipers (wonder how they forgot to include this must-have item) to measure the case length, a powder tickler for accurate powder measurements, a set of dies you need specifically for your reloading, other consumables such as gunpowder & projectiles. And some major equipment for precision reloading, such as a case tumbler & trimmer.
Mounting accessories for mounting the reloading press to a base plate would also be an excellent addition to the kit.
Our Honest Opinion
The rock chucker press has outstanding durability, is a reliable reloading press, and can compete with other expensive presses for the same accuracy class. The kit has many essential items while also missing some essential equipment.
Positive Aspects |
Simple & elegant design that can last a lifetime. |
Using the piggyback the single-stage reloading press can be transformed into a turret press. |
The 4.1” opening can accommodate larger cases. |
Long ambidextrous handle reduces the effort for sizing the cases. |
The die bushing can be replaced with Hornady Lock-N-Load or Lee Breech Lock quick die change bushing system. |
Negative Aspects |
No caliper to measure the case lengths. |
For beginners, a digital scale would be a better addition instead of a balance beam scale. |
Quick die bushing changing system for better efficiency. |
The hand priming tool and the press use the same shell holder, a second set of case holders would be perfect. |
What sets RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Master Reloading Kit above other reloading kits?
The outstanding durability, easy operation, simple, upgrading opportunity & high-quality press provide an excellent performance for precision reloaders with minimal cost.
Is upgrading RCBS Rock Chucker with Piggyback worth it?
Upgrading sure increases the number of completed rounds per hour. You could increase the output by at least 4 times the output before upgrading. However given the cost and hassle to set everything up. It’s better to avoid it.
Before you buy the RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Master Reloading Kit, we At Honest Opinion would suggest reading the review about the RCBS Rebel Plus Reloading Kit.